June 18 shopping festival: How to reach 1 billion Chinese e-consumers?

Knowing China’s biggest shopping festivals is a must if you deal with Chinese clientele, reaching out to the Chinese clientele now is the perfect timing to convert them into buyers and enlarge your Chinese consumers’ portfolio. What is the “618” shopping festival? What do you need to know about it? Why is it important for your brand? And how to sell to Chinese clients on this big shopping day?

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Will Chinese tourists be back to Europe soon?

As the summer season approaches, the relief of travel restrictions gives hope to merchants who have closed their doors for so long. Many are waiting for the return of the world's highest spenders. When will Chinese tourists return to Europe? And how should merchants welcome the 60 million consumers who are willing to travel outside of China once the restrictions are lifted?

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E-learning: 6 rules to respect in the payment process

While the demand for e-learning courses has skyrocketed in 2020 because of the Covid-19, online education courses providers have begun the race of competitiveness to get more students and better their online reputation. In this article, we share 6 tips you need to take into consideration in the payment process to boot your sales

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What you need to know about chargeback and tips to avoid it

What is chargeback and what is its purpose? How does it impact your company’s sales? What is the chargeback procedure? What are the tips for reducing its rate? How can you better manage chargeback cases? Which payment methods do not have a chargeback? We give you all the answers on this article

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The 5 trends that will dominate tomorrow's payment industry

As the most transformative force in years, the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated some payment trends that are now shaping the future of the payment industry. Businesses and payment providers should understand these 5 key payment trends of the future in order to remain competitive

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The complete guide to WeChat mini-programs for your business

As social commerce grows in China, WeChat mini-programs are becoming more popular and an essential tool for cross-border e-commerce. In this guide, we introduce WeChat mini-programs and discuss their importance for brands that target the Chinese market. We also show a tutorial on how to create your own mini-program from scratch and start selling to Chinese customers right now.

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How to choose the best payment solution for your business?

The average e-commerce conversion rate is between 1-2%. Thus, you can expect to win the sale around 2% of the time even if you do everything right. This article shows you the 7 key factors to consider in order to choose the right payment provider that will help you reach the highest conversion rate and ensure a seamless payment experience for your customers.

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2019 overseas market of Chinese students

Choosing a country where to study is a meticulous planning work for Chinese students. It is certainly not a random decision based on stereotypes, as it involves their future careers. This infographic uncovers all factors that affect their destination choice, their preferred countries, majors as well as their spending overseas.

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How to accept UnionPay in Europe? The ultimate guide

What is China UnionPay? How popular is it in Europe? Who can accept this payment method? And what are the possible integration ways? Find out all answers to your questions, plus 5 ways China UnionPay can benefit your business in Europe through our complete guide.

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Gaming sector grows by 30% during Covid-19 despite gaming with foreigners banned in China

Indeed, it was the popularity of these video games that prompted the government to take an interest in it. The Chinese government considers that video games are the reason why young people are increasingly confined in their homes and are going out less and less.

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Digital Yuan launched:  towards the end of cash in China?

DCEP also facilitates the battle against money laundering, tax evasion, corruption and financing of terrorism activities. The government can use big data to identify suspicious transactions and control illegal transfers that hinder the country's economic growth.

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How high-tech is helping China battle against Coronavirus? 

Home to high-tech giants, BATX (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Xiaomi), and one third of the world's unicorns, China is now a global leader in sectors such as AI, robotics, big data or even facial recognition. Amid the battle against Coronavirus, China can count on the latest technological innovations

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A step forward towards a cashless society: The unexpected outcome of Coronavirus

The Central bank has ordered all the banks receiving cash to disinfect it before re-allocating it to the clients. Banknotes undergo ultraviolet and high temperature treatment. They are then stored for a period of 7 to 14 days depending on the region or city they originate from.

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WeChat Pay users can as of now make payments without internet

WeChat Pay tested its new service in July 2019, a service that allows users to make payments even without internet. The mobile payment giant conducted the test in partnership with Spring Airlines during flights between Chengdu and Shanghai. Passengers had been asked to register for the offline service test before boarding.

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How to attract Chinese tourists to your business

The Chinese millennials are the ones that travel the most. These young people have a preference for unique and personalised experiences. As the last group of the one-child policy generation, they are the sole heirs of their parents and care much less about their spendings, which is an unprecedented opportunity for all businesses related to the tourism industry .

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